Accessibility Policy


Air Wise Sales Inc. is committed to providing a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment that is respectful of the dignity and independence of all people. Our policies will support identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to individuals with varying abilities that might interfere with their ability to interact in the workplace. This policy outlines measures that Air Wise Sales Inc. has in place to meet those requirements and to comply with appropriate provincial and federal legislation to improve opportunities for people with varying abilities.


The purpose of this policy is to provide an overview of Air Wise Sales Inc.’s commitment to accessibility and to outline practices and procedures in place with all Air Wise Sales Inc. locations to help identify and remove barriers that impede those with varying abilities. Air Wise Sales Inc. shall use every reasonable effort to ensure the needs of individuals with varying abilities are met, in a timely manner, through the implementation of this policy. Further, this policy exists to provide a clear statement of the obligations and responsibilities, required by relevant legislation.


This policy includes all individuals working for or with Air Wise Sales Inc. including: employees, potential employees, stakeholders, subcontractors, suppliers, vendors, clients.


People of all abilities have:

  • Equitable Access – Air Wise Sales Inc. is committed to equitable access for all individuals.
  • Dignity – Interactions in the workplace should be conducted in a manner that is respectful and does not diminish the person in any way.
  • Independence – Respecting everyone’s right to do things for themselves and participating as a partner in any accommodation process.
  • Integration – Access to the workplace and with any communication, service, or program which may require alternative formats and flexible approaches. This means inclusiveness and full participation. This is a fundamental human right.
  • Equal Opportunity – To job vacancies and positions and for promotions in the workplace.


We are committed to training staff in accessibility laws, acts and aspects of the Human Rights Code that relate to persons with varying abilities. This policy has been incorporated into Air Wise Sales Inc.’s training program. We train our employees on accessibility as it relates to their specific roles and new hires are required to review and sign off on all policies.


Air Wise Sales Inc. ensures that we are identifying and removing barriers to access for people with varying abilities by:

  1. Encouraging individuals with varying abilities to use their own personal assistive devices
  2. Notifying employees, potential hires and the public that accommodations can be made during recruitment and hiring, or at any other time as appropriate; and that supports are available for those with varying abilities.
  3. Implementing a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees. Where needed, we will also provide customized emergency information to help an employee with varying abilities during an emergency.
  4. Considering the accessibility needs of all employees through our performance management, career development and redeployment processes.
  5. Communicating with a person with varying abilities in a manner that considers their ability. When asked, we will provide information about our organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible formats or with communication supports. We will also meet internationally recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA website requirements in accordance with accessibility laws.

Types of accessible formats may include:

  • HTML and Microsoft Word
  • braille
  • accessible audio formats
  • large print
  • text transcripts of visual and audio information

Types of communication supports include:

  • reading the written information aloud to the person directly
  • exchanging hand-written notes (or providing a note taker or communication assistant)
  • captioning or audio description
  • assistive listening systems
  • augmentative and alternative communication methods and strategies (e.g., the use of letter, word or picture boards, and devices that speak out)
  • sign language interpretation and intervenor services
  • repeating, clarifying, or restating information
  1. Allowing individuals with varying abilities to bring their guide dog or service animal with them to areas of the premises where they require assistance.
  2. Permitting individuals with varying abilities who use a support person to accompany them and ensuring that a person with varying abilities has access to his or her support person while on our premises.
  3. Providing notice when facilities or services that people with varying abilities rely on to access our services are temporarily disrupted. This notice will be provided in accessible formats and posted in public.
  4. Providing public notification on all job postings that any necessary accommodations will be made during the application/interviewing process for applicants who may require them.
  5. Making offers of employment which notify the successful applicant of our policies for accommodating employees with varying abilities.
  6. Allocated parking is available at some Air Wise buildings for those with registered parking stickers. Onsite practices will vary but will be assessed and addressed on a case-by-case basis.
  7. Developing documented individual accommodation plans for employees with varying abilities when required. Employees who require accommodations should contact their manager or a Human Resources or Health and Safety representative; workplace accommodations can be temporary or permanent.

Examples of workplace accommodations include, but not limited to: modifying job duties, modifying workstations, allowing flexible work schedules, welcoming, or providing assistive devices, allowing short- term and long-term leave, providing alternative ways of communicating with the employer and relocation from an area where environmental sensitivity resulting in illness that is medically supported prevents performance of essential duties.

In accordance with these principles and procedures, reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis to meet the specific needs of employees and applicants to make Air Wise Sales Inc. accessible to employees and applicants with varying abilities.


Air Wise Sales Inc. welcomes all feedback, including feedback about the delivery of our services to persons with varying abilities while working with Air Wise Sales Inc. in any capacity.

Air Wise Sales Inc. will investigate and respond to all concerns relating to such services in a timely, thorough, and objective manner. Clients who wish to provide feedback on the way Air Wise Sales Inc. provides goods, services, or facilities to people with varying abilities can provide feedback by telephone, in person, in writing, in electronic format or through other relevant methods.

Phone: 905-628-2777
Mail: Human Resources
Air Wise Sales Inc.
340 Hatt Street
Dundas, ON L9H 2J1

You will receive a response from an HR team member within a reasonable timeframe. A copy of this policy will be provided upon request.

Air Wise Sales Inc. will provide, on request, information in an accessible format or with communication supports to people with varying abilities, in a manner that considers their ability.


Accessibility – giving individuals of all abilities opportunities to participate fully in everyday life. It is used to describe how widely a service, product, device, or environment is available to as many individuals as possible. It can be seen as the ability to access and benefit from a system, service, product, or environment.

Assistive Devices – a technical aid, communication device, or other instrument that is used to maintain or improve the functional abilities of individuals with varying abilities. Personal assistive devices are typically devices that are brought with the individual. For example, a wheelchair, walker, or a personal oxygen tank.

Barrier — barriers are obstacles that limit access and prevent people with varying abilities from fully participating in society. Most barriers are not intentional. Barriers usually arise because the needs of individuals with varying abilities are not considered from the beginning.

Disability – a limitation experienced by a person that may be visible, non-visible, permanent, or occurring at certain times. Can occur in combination with other forms of varying abilities, types include, but are not limited to, physical, visual, auditory, developmental, linguistic, learning, mental, etc.

Service Animal – an animal for which it is readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for reasons related to their disability, or if the person provides a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons related to the disability.

Support Person – another person who accompanies the person with a disability to help with communication, mobility, personal care of medical needs or with access to services.